Our Team

Experienced and Accomplished

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Our DSP Team:

KFI has a varied and extraordinary team of DSP’s (Direct Support Professionals) who provide exceptional supports. Many of our staff have worked for KFI for over 10 years because of the meaningful relationships they develop and the opportunity to have a real impact in someone’s life.

Our Management Team:

LyAnn Grogan, CEO

[email protected] LyAnn joined the KFI team in 2004 with almost 20 years of experience in the disability field. She honed her people and training skills in her work as a Music Therapist, national clinical training site director, and member of the Music Therapy Association’s national training committee. She has held various roles at KFI, Support Coordinator, Hiring and Training Coordinator and most recently as the Director of Training and Outreach. LyAnn is excited to be leading KFI into the next chapter of being a progressive service provider focusing and supporting individuals to live their best lives!

Laurie Kimball, Director of Planning and Team Development

[email protected] Laurie Kimball joined the KFI team in January 2013 as Director of Outreach and Expansion and is taking the lead in designing new services to meet the needs identified in Southern Maine. With nearly 25 years of experience in the field in the Portland area, Laurie’s particular areas of expertise are positive approaches to supports, personal planning and nurturing community inclusion. Laurie is ready to hear from people who are looking for something different and to begin discovering with them how to create it.

Holly Bean, Director of Support Services

[email protected] Holly started working for KFI in 1989. Holly started with KFI as an intern for the University of Maine and served as a direct support staff, site supervisor and supported employment specialist, and most recently a support coordinator. Holly served on the Consumer Advisory Board when the state was still involved in a class action suit. Holly came on board with KFI when KFI was moving from a sheltered workshop to more inclusive employment. The agency was also moving to more community integration and individualized services at the time. Holly has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mental Health and Human Services along with her MHRT certification.

Hilary Emery, Director of Operations

[email protected] Hilary Emery started her career with KFI as a Support Coordinator in 2011. She served in the US Army as an Information Systems Analyst and then earned her Masters in Social Work from the University of Maine.  Most recently, Hilary has been our Quality Enhancement Manager where she learned more about the internal operations of KFI. She enjoys combining her technology experience with her education in social work to help the agency run smoothly and focus on supporting people to live meaningful lives.

Other KFI Managers

Jodi Benvie, Shared Living Coordinator

[email protected] Jodi joined the KFI team in 2014 coming from 10+ years advocating for people’s rights through Disability Rights Maine. Prior to that Jodi has been supporting adults with disabilities in various roles including self-advocacy and employment. Her background and training in person centered planning and Social Role Valorization is an asset to the agency and the families that she engages.

Troy Pinkham, Hiring and Training Coordinator

[email protected] Troy has been working in the field since 1986. He received his MHRT/C through the Muskie Institute. Troy started with KFI in 2011 and has held various roles. Most recently he was a Support Coordinator. Troy’s background, education and experience is reflected in his training style and is an asset to hiring and training @ KFI.

Jason Tinkham, Human Resources Manager

[email protected] Jason joined KFI in 2023 coming from 10+ years of Human Resources and 20+ years of retail management. His background and training in coaching, leadership, recruiting, positive employee relations, and “can do” approach makes him an asset to the KFI Team.

Support Coordinators

Amanda Hart, Millinocket/Lincoln
[email protected]

Beth Nelson, Lincoln
[email protected]

Brandie Michaud, Bangor Area
[email protected]

Tom Vachon, Lincoln
[email protected]

Lynn Gary, Bangor Area
[email protected]

KFI Board of Directors

Bruce McLean, President
School Teacher/Business Owner

Julie Brown, Vice President
Human Resources Specialist (retired)

Anthony Moscone, Treasurer/Clerk
Paralegal, Law Office of Dean Beaupain

Louis Pelletier
Accountant (Retired)

Michael Speed

Deb Rountree
Director, Katahdin Region Higher Education Center
East Millinocket

Anthony Filauro
Professional Forester (retired)

Vaughn Bouchard
Financial Manager (retired)

Patti Woolley
Early Childhood Administrator (retired)


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