Is it time for some fresh thinking?

The Top 10 Actions You, As Parents, Can Take Today

Maintain regular contact with your state or county developmental disability agency. Ask if your son/daughter has been referred for services. Check to see what services your child is eligible to receive. Are his/her and your own preferences known to the Department? Contact your state legislators if you’ve been told there is no money for services. … Read More

Changing Staff Roles

Does your organization want to expand its employment options to include customized employment and downsize its facility-based services? If so, this shift may require a new or different way of doing business including changes in staff roles and job descriptions. In the process, staff may experience rapid changes in their roles, or sometimes these changes … Read More

Here to There

Then: 25 years ago… Preschool Only For Children With Disabilities Segregated Special Purpose School Sheltered Workshop Segregated Day Program Foster Homes or Living With Family Everyone Transported To One Location Agency Owned and Operated Vans Services Provided In KFI Owned Buildings Groups, GROUPS, GROUPS Now: No Groups, No Buildings, No Programs… Public School Education Individual … Read More

Some Free Advice

Ask: Is there anyone doing anything better? This requires you to seek out best practices and interesting approaches. Read the journals and newsletters, go to conferences, talk to people who are doing good stuff, stay connected, surf the net, etc. Ask: Why can’t we do it? Take the heart of the matter and apply it … Read More

On The Road To Regular Lives

Beliefs, Shifts, Milestones, Questions… Beliefs: Work in the community, live in the community, be a part of the community, contribute to community. Resist the temptation as a human service agency to be the employer, the landlord, or the sole supporters of people with disabilities. It is a formula for disaster. Act as an aid to … Read More

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